When I was in college in Chicago, I went to visit a church in hopes of finding a 'home church' while at school. During the meet & greet moment of the service I introduced myself to a cute little old lady that was sitting next to me. (& how cute & little she was ... about 4'10" & wrapped all nice & warm in her Chicago winter clothes). I shook her hand & said "Hello, my name is Megan." "WHAT?!" she said. I repeated myself "Megan!" "Maggot?" she said. "NO, MEGAN!", I said louder. "Maggot?" she said again, this time seeming more confused. After that second time I thought "oh, why bother...she can't hear me." And so I didn't say anthing as she said "MAGGOT?!!" a third time. And after saying "Maggot" that third time...with a perplexed & curious face she just politely nodded & said "Oh, well, that's an interesting name!"...and I remained silent. So now, there is an 80 year old woman running around (well, maybe not running...) in Chicago thinking that there is a girl in this world who's parents named her Maggot. I imagine that she went to her gin rummy game the following evening & told all of her other lady friends about the girl with the "interesting" name that she met at church the night before. For years this story has been my funny story to share with folks of the ways people mess up my name. & believe me, there aren't many stories of that....Megan is a pretty simple name....or so I thought, until recently. Two more times in the past couple of weeks I have had similar misunderstandings happen. 1) I answered the phone for my boss at work & it was his father on the other line. After a minute or so of talking to his father, he says to me "And what is your name?" "Megan" I say. "Maggot?" (flashbacks race through my mind of that time in college.....) "Megan" I say again. "Uh, Oh, ok...well, nice speaking with you." I am certain this man thinks that I have "an interesting name" just like the old woman in Chicago. 2) Then just a few days after that I was calling to make an order for lunch. The gentleman on the other line asked for my name (as they do) & of course I say "Megan." "Maggot?" he says (nightmares are starting to happen by now...) "Yes" I say...just to make it easier for all of us. Until now, I never thought my name was that hard----it's plain & simple.....phonetically spelled....MEHG-IN. (not MAAYG-IN...as MANY New Yorkers & other east-coasters seem to say it.) But now, there are at least 3 people in this world thinking that there is a girl with a name that means: (as Webster's online defines it...) a soft-bodied legless grub that is the larva of a dipterous insect (as the housefly). However, I would like to point out that if my name is now to be Maggot (since Megan is SO confusing & hard to pronounce...note sarcasm...) that Webster's online also has this definition listed second: Maggot--a fantastic or eccentric idea. So, people of the world...call me Maggot all you want! my nightmares & flashbacks are comforted in the fact that Maggot is: a fantastic or eccentric idea. I don't wanna be like everyone else anyways...eccentric...OK! YES! Maggot it is!! that IS an 'interesting' name! :)