Thursday, December 14, 2006

TIMMY NO!! Stop Spending Quality Time With Grandpa!

On average, I spend about an hour on the subway each day with my many trips to & fro throughout the city. I don't always have a book with me, so I end up reading the various signs that line the overhead advertising in the subway car. I have become quite aware of some of these signs & would like to share some with you...

One of my classic favorites that MANY of you New Yorkers will recognize is the Dr. Z dermatologist ad:
I have always loved the before & after make-over pictures & this one is a classic case.
1) the gal obviously didn't shower before taking the picture.
2) she doesn't have on any make-up
3) she is not smiling
4) she looks like she just rolled outta bed
then! VOILA!
in her 'after' picture she is smiling, has taken a shower, put on some make-up, & obviously got a few hours of sleep the night before.
wow! what a shower, smile, & tube of lipstick can do for a gal!

Another new favorite of mine -- (oh how i wish i had a picture of's WAY cuter than this picture)

let me describe it to you......
there is a lovely picture of a Grandfather reading a book to the cutest little 4 year old boy you ever saw! curly hair, wearing a sweater vest over a nicely pressed plaid shirt, khaki's, & the biggest smile of adoration for his Gramps.
& Grandpa looks like a happy feller too!
He's holding Jr. in on his lap with his arms around the boy while reading a classic story to the youngster.
ah...a lovely picture of quality time between Grandpa & Jr.
there is a caption underneath it that reads:
"Even moments like this can cause influenza"
then the ad proceeds to tell you about influenza & how it is caused.
wow, I never thought a precious picture of Grandpa & Jr. could be so tainted with influenza! thank you MTA.

Monday, November 20, 2006

OH NO! I misplaced my leg!!!

This ad that is in the subway is quite bizarre...

Tell me do you lose a prosthetic leg?

other odd things shows that people seem to lose on the subway or bus:

-tin cans that are already open

-king cobra's

-something that looks a heck of a lot like a UFO




Thursday, November 09, 2006

The Little Things....

I'm in a bit of a reflective mood today...thinking about my life & where I've been, where I'm going. And I tell ya I wouldn't have it any other way.
I went to 3 colleges, but I got SO SO MUCH out of each one I went to. I cringe to think that if I had not transferred to my last college, that I would not have the friends in my life that I have from that last school...all of them also transfer students.
I have been in NYC & seen my ups & downs in regards to my career & where I've been, but I can see how I've learned something from each & every experience, good & bad.
I have also had relationships/friendships, good & bad. I have learned so much from each of those as well. Especially when being pulled in a direction I'm not necessarily comfortable with. But man oh man, the growth and strength I feel at the end of those 'trials' is quite rewarding.
I believe that God only gives us what we can handle & I'm grateful for the way He's helped me handle my life. Sure, it's not always been easy, but it's always been good.
I love the quote from The Lion, The Witch & The Wardrobe: "Of course he isn't safe... but... he's GOOD... He's the King."
Life has not always been safe or easy, but it's been good.
Look at the little things, step out of your comfort zone, & focus on THE One who is Good...and with that I believe that you will be directed towards life more rewarding then ever dreamed.

Monday, September 25, 2006

Note to Self (part 2)...

Note to self...

Do not unplug the spaceheater at work while it is still on.
This could cause an electric shock.

Yes, I have to use a spaceheater at work...they like to keep the AC on year round.

And no, I did not get electricuted when unplugging it, just almost.

Thursday, September 21, 2006

Note to self...

Note to self:

--Do NOT order the "special" at the mexican restaurant 'Spinach & Mushroom Burrito' when the E.Coli outbreak is happening.

Yes, it was the special last night at dinner with Joel.

Monday, June 26, 2006

A little vent...

I have come to realize that when living in a NYC apartment, you usually give up one thing to get another…compromise. You give up THE location to have more space or give up space to live in THE location.

I love my apartment. I love how easy it is to get places. (I am in Queens & it is closer for me to get to many places I go to than when I was on the Upper East Side in Manhattan!). I love that I have many friends that live right in the neighborhood & upstairs. I love that I have 2 grocery stores (& I mean REAL grocery stores) just minutes away. I love that I can see the sky clearly when I get outta the subway. I love that I live on a cute tree lined street. I love that I have the best Greek restaurant just 10 blocks from me. I love that I have a REAL kitchen, living room, bedroom, closet, & bathroom. I have given up “location, location, location” to live in a great apartment, in a great neighborhood, by myself (something that is quite rare in NYC unless you’re a rich rich man or wanna live in a box).

All of this said, I have to say…I would give it all up if I didn’t have to deal with the WACKO! that lives below me. I live on the first floor & the landlord’s sister lives down stairs, yes…in the basement. Our building is a ‘family business’. Although, I have been told by the landlord that his sister “is a leech” (you can probably all guess what that means…) & he does not really like to deal with her. But because he runs the building & it is owned by his father, I guess my landlord is willing to deal. Well, I am at the end of my rope with this lady. Let me tell ya a little bit about her…examples:

**When I was moving in she came into my apartment (uninvited) & said “I hope we’re not going to have any trouble” …uh, no! I’m not a drug dealer!
**she told my boyfriend (who she knows & has seen many times) that it was ‘not nice’ for him to sit outside on our little front lawn on a beautiful spring day we were having. (NOT NICE!? What!?)
**on New Years she told my friends upstairs that they were being too loud (just minutes after midnight! On NEW YEARS!)
**I was listening to my music in the middle of the day, at quite a reasonable level, & she came upstairs & asked me to turn it down. I was not having a dance party or anything, I was listening to music.
**when my mom & sister were visiting we were getting ready to leave my apartment & as we were walking around the apartment she banged on her ceiling, my floor…cus we were too loud. We were just walking.
**that same weekend my mom & sister were visiting we were coming home & she heard us coming home & came upstairs to see who was coming into ‘her’ building. (um, sometimes people have friends & family come over!).

The walls in my building from are quite thin & you can hear the people above or below you walking around, talking, watching tv, even flushing the toilet. I can often hear the people upstairs from me walking around or talking & I can hear the lady below me talking & watching her TV too...but this is what happens when you live your life, these are things people do. & you WILL hear these things in a thin wall building.

Last night was the worst...I just got back from a really great relaxing weekend in VT & came home to a hot apartment. So, I immediately turned on the fan in my room (a quiet rotating fan) to cool down. Since it was late, I was trying to be respectfully quiet as I dragged my bag into my room & unpacked...opening & closing dresser drawers, putting my bag away, etc. At about midnight I hear a knock at my door & hear the voice of the lady downstairs “Megan, it’s Vesna!” “CRAP!” I think..."what the heck does she want...I was totally quiet!!!"
I opened the door & she says “do you have a fan on or something?”
"Yes” I say.
“well, can you please turn it off or put a book under it or something? It sounds like a something is hammering & it is quite loud”
I give her a look of are you freaking serious? You’ve got to be kidding me!
& then politely complied “yes, sure, goodnight”

I close the door & I am furious!
A fan, A FAN!!!!! Is now too loud for her! What will it be next?!! Me breathing & taking a shower & cooking dinner & opening the fridge & LIVING MY LIFE!


I love my apartment & have the best of both worlds with location & amount of space, but compromised thin walls for all of it & now...this ‘leech’ has GOT to stop.

I should tell her that she needs to stop snoring cus I can hear her in her bed below me when I’m trying to get to sleep.

Thursday, April 20, 2006

well, DUH!!!!!!!!!

As I read through articles on today, one of the headlines reads: "STUDY: Tired drivers are four times more likely to crash than rested motorists." OH! REALLY??? Why don't they also have a title that says something like: "When a baby's diaper is wet, you should change it." or "Too much McDonalds can make ya fat!" or "Heat makes people warm." I am constantly amazed at the money that is spent on 'studies'. What about the money that could be spent on helping others get food, clothes, & shelter? It's pretty easy to know that if you're overtired you shouldn't be driving, money does not need to be spent on that study. I could've told ya myself (& saved the research money) that if I'm tired it's not a good idea for me to drive, operate heavy machinery, or even balance my checkbook. It's just bizarre to me the money that is put into silly things. There are people without food, teachers being underpaid, & familys without homes & yet....we are spending our money to find out just how bad it is if you don't wash your hands after using the restroom. Well, DUH! Of COURSE you should wash your hands after you use the bathroom! Gross! How 'bout we use our money on a things a little bit more important? I don't really need to know what the ratio is of people who write in black vs. blue pens. (which, by the way...I use black).

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Gonna be a Smoker...

As the chilly winter wind blows & temps are down...I've been noticing more & more how people handle themselves in the cold. (be warned: stereotypes do follow)... The short & cute & pretty girl with perfectly straight hair keeps her cute & trendy image in stilettos & perfectly pressed pants as she walks down the street with no hat or gloves...but she still looks stylish (& cold) ... The tall 'suit' walks down the street in nothing but his suit & perhaps carrying a black portfolio of some sort to go to meet his boys at the popular bar down the street where all the other 'suits' are...but he too still looks stylish (& cold) ... As these 2 types walk down the street in this chilly NYC winter you can see that, although they look great, they can't hide the fact that they are still cold & can't wait to get inside. The last type I have noticed (that seems to not be affected at all by this cold) is the smoker. They sit outside on a bench or in the courtyard outside their office or just resting against a building without a coat, hat, gloves, scarf...NADA! & they have no signs of being chilly. They calmly rest during this break time, often times with a cup 'o joe in hand, enjoying a chat with a friend (who usually is also a smoker), & seem to have no cares about the day or the 20mph wind that is briskly hitting their face. Why are they not affected by the cold??? Now, I was raised in the cold Chicago burbs & went to school in western MI (where in both places we KNOW the terms 'lake-effect' & 'wind chill factor'). Yet, I have not been able to master the calm & collected ease that smokers have on chilly days like these. Perhaps it's sheer determination for the chance to have a break for 15 minutes or the opportunity to catch up on gossip outside of the office....whatever the case, I admire the smoker's will & perseverance. I do not want to be so affected by this chilly weather anymore & I don't like having to worry if I have my coat, scarf, hat, gloves, boots, leggings, (& all other things we wear to keep warm) when I go outside to get's just too much to remember. (seriously, how many times have you left a hat or glove behind?) So with this, I've decieded to take up smoking. I too will then have the thick blood & skin that all smokers seem to have. Sure, I may cut 20 years off my life, have a terrible cough, have yellow teeth & fingers, spend about $5 every couple days on a pack of smokes, & one day have to carry around my own personal oxygen....but!!!!!.....I will not be cold & be able to handle walking outside in the chill for 15 minutes (or longer!!!). Come on world...join me in supporting your local Marlboro Man & smoke with me! You may never have to wear a winter coat again!