Monday, May 10, 2010

Why is May important?

Did you know that May is Stroke and High Blood Pressure Awareness Month?
As many of you know by now...I had a stroke on May 25, 2008.
There are many ways that a stroke can affect someone...some are unfortunate and loose their lives, some paralyzed, some can't talk, some go blind, the side effects can be quite scary.
I am one of the lucky ones.
Sure, I may have to be more fervent with certain tasks of life such as working out my left side more than my right...but these are small trivial side affects.  I have been able to go back to living my life as I did before.  I still play sports, I still can remember random moments from the past (as my friend KatieG is so keenly aware do I remember the name of the random lady from childhood who's birthday is on leap year?), I can keep up with the pace of the NYC life, and I can praise God for keeping me alive.
In this blessing...I aim to raise awareness.
Get your exercise.  Drink Water. Eat healthy. Know your family's health history.  Definitely know your own body and health history.  Take preventative action.
Don't say "Oh, I'm young.  I'm not at risk for anything" this is just plain ignorance folks.
Take care of your body.

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