Tuesday, February 13, 2007

You Can't Trust the Irish!

One day early last fall, Joel & I were leaving church & there was a woman standing outside asking for money & food. Well, neither of us are too comfortable giving out money, so Joel said "hey, there is a deli around the corner, why don't I buy you some food!"
The woman kindly took Joel up on his offer & he bought her a nice healthy chicken breast. We chatted with her for awhile, as she told us how she got to be in her situation (an uncle took the family wealth...or something) & then we were on our way.

A few months had passed & I was on my way to work one morning (across town from where we go to church) & I saw the same woman.
I walked up to her & I said "Hi, I remember you! My boyfriend bought you food one day outside of our church ____."
She said "Yes! That is my church! Are you able to help me out?"
Again, being uncomfortable with giving money out, I said "Well, I have some of my lunch in my bag, you can have some of that!" and the woman took it with a smile.
After taking the food from me she said "Do you possibly know of any place that can help me get a job? I really need a job right now."
I said "I know lots of places & temp agencies, there's actually a really great temp agency right down the street & they can probably help you pretty quickly."
Immediately after I finished telling her where she could go to look for a job, she asked me "Are you possibly Irish?"
I thought to myself, what kind of question is that!?
But replied with a grin full of Irish pride..."Why, yes I am!"
As I said yes, the woman grabbed the food I had given her out of her bag & handed it back to me while saying "I'm sorry, but the Irish always seem to steer me in the wrong direction, I'm going to have to give this back to you."
I said "No, please I am trying to bless you!"
She said "No, thank you, I've just been steered wrong by the Irish."
I said "Ok, well, God Bless!" & walked away.
But as I was starting to walk away she asked me if I had any money.
I said "No, sorry." & walked off...chuckling to myself.
She couldn't take my advice or my food since I was Irish, but she could take my money...interesting!

Of course, I immediately told this story to Joel & we laughed about it...eventually forgetting what had happened.
Until this past Sunday.....
Again, we were leaving church & again the same woman was outside asking for money or food.
As I saw her I pointed her out to Joel telling him "LOOK! It's the lady who doesn't trust the Irish!"
So, as we walked past her & she asked for money Joel said to her "I'm sorry, we can't help you...we're both Irish."
Then I heard the woman say something like "OH, ok."

Now, I couldn't help but laugh at this.
I'm not laughing at the woman being in her position & needing to beg (I pray that I never have to go through that.)
But...to have prejudice against someone because they are Irish? When you are in need of help?
That is just silly.

So, if you do see our friend & would like to help her, please do...I would like to, but I'm Irish.


Anonymous said...

you can't get away from the irish.

rob -dublin.

Anonymous said...

The fact of the matter is.. you CAN'T trust the Irish.

They are sneaky, deviant, undermining, and LOVE TO GOSSIP. But to look at them.. ahhhh. Dont' be fooled.

And i'm of Irish descent..uggh.

Jimmy- Boston.

Anonymous said...

This is so true, I have had many business dealings with the Irish and in my experience they are all crooks, charlatans and blaggers. I'm with the women in the story, trust the Irish at your peril.
I mean even the so called potato famine, why dint they just eat different food? like meat and other vegetables, no one can be that fond of potatoes surely.