Friday, June 17, 2005

Old skills DO come back!

A few years ago when I was temping for some job was to act as a 'bouncer' of sorts. A whole bunch of 'suits' were having meetings in various rooms & my job was to keep them on time by knocking on the door when they had 5 minutes left & then knocking again when time was up & then bringing in the new people...and the cycle would continue. During the off time I would sit outside & kill time with the other temps doing the same thing. As time passed I would is this skill going to help me in my future? where will these new found life skills take me? is this really useful or what? Well, today I was able to answer all of those questions. (answers: I will use it again. to a time when I use it again. YES! this is really useful!) I had to do the exact same thing for some interviews at the temp job I'm at now. The only difference... I was not able to sit & chat with other temps around me by killing time & making jokes. I would go back to my cubicle world & let time pass (by er...writing a blog, along with my other very important temp responsibilities). But I am thankful for those times years back when I had to be the 'bouncer' ....otherwise! GEEZ! what would've I done today without all of that skill??? Hang on to what you've learned... you never know when you'll need it again! :)

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