Monday, June 13, 2005

Words from the wise...

If "with age comes wisdom" .... then I would like to share some 'words from the wise' with you. I went back to my hometown this past weekend & spent some quality time with my grandma (who is 84, almost 85) & friend of my dad's, Dave, who is 80. These comments made me laugh...I hope you do the same. ---- I was at a picnic at my dad's house where we were eating brats. I noticed that Dave was getting his food, but had not got a bun for his brat. I said to him "Dave, would you like me to get a bun for you?" & Dave said "No thank you sweetie, I can't have one because then it'll make my teeth fall out!" Then there was discussion about how good the lunch was with brats, sauerkraut, grilled onions, & baked beans & Dave said "You all better watch out! I may have to pull over a few times on the way home from this one!" When I was with Gram we went for a walk to a pond by her home & in it were a bunch of ducks...but only the mamma & her babies. In response to seeing this Gram said "Those male ducks, they just do their little trick & then leave 'em!" Then Gram was telling me about a friend of hers (who is also in her 80's) & the woman's new boyfriend. Apparently the woman said to Gram "Well Peg, there's not going to be any hanky-panky with him because the man has prostate problems & I don't wanna mess with that!"Older folks have lived a longer life & because of this they find it their 'right' to be able to say what is on their mind. Well I tell ya... I'm glad they do....I found a lot of joy in these statements! ... In addition to spending some quality time with some wonderful, wise, absolutely amazing people.


Anonymous said...

I'm only 32 & I think I've already made at least three of those comments.

Megan said...

Really Cass?
I'd LOVE to know which ones!
he he he