Musings on life and raising awareness against heart disease and stroke.
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
What's in a name?
It happens all the time.
Except when you live in Queens, NY or Vegas...then, there are special rules.
Our government Social Security offices have decided that if you live in Queens, NY or in Vegas... that there are special rules to submit your paper work.
It seems as if anywhere else in the country you can change your name with some ease.
But not when you live in Queens or Vegas....we're special here & have to do it the special way.
Let me tell you a bit about my journey:
~Joel & I go to get our marriage license.
~on the marriage license you tell them what name you want.
-keep your maiden name
-take your husband's name
-hyphenate the 2 names
-do something else.
this is suppose to make it easier when you change everything with Social Security & all the other peeps.
~I chose to keep my maiden name (as a middle name) and add my husband's name (as my last name) , without the hyphen.
~this is recorded on the license, we get married (YAY!), now I'm all set to go to Social Security & change it all....
~I go to the Social Security office, during my lunch break, wait for about an hour & 15 minutes
~I observe how easy it is for the other "name changers" in line as they submit their paper work.
~I get to the front of the line, submit my papers and.....
WAIT! They tell me I'm not supposed to be there! I live in Queens & I have to go to the special office.
~ok, not such a big deal, I only wasted my lunch break waiting in line to do nothing!
~I take a day off work (because the SS office is only open during office hours) -- fortunately my husband was able to come with me, it was nice to have the company.
~we buy a train ticket to Jamaica, Queens -- really far out in Queens & WAY too far to try & ride the subway to.
~I wait in line for an hour at the SS office in Queens, all my paperwork filled out & ready to go!
~I get to the front of the line, only to be told that I can't have my maiden name as my middle name (WHAT! I have other friends who have done this with NO problem!)
~I am told I have to go to the "Name Change Office" to officially change my name.
(which seems a little odd since, according to the Social Security website, your marriage certificate/license is enough proof for the name change)
~ok, we got to the Name Change Office, fill out all the paper work, & have to submit a fee (yes, I had to pay to do all of this....)
~so, now......
~I am waiting for the judge to approve my name change & tell me "it's ok" for me to have my husband's name & keep something I already have (my maiden name)
~it takes "about 8 weeks" for my paperwork to even reach the judge's hands
~then I have to put a note in the paper telling the world I have a new name:
the gal formerly known as "Megan middle name last name" will now be known as "Megan middle name last name married name"
It all seems like a lot of work.
yes, I know I'm making it a little harder on myself by not just dropping my maiden name, but that name means a lot to me & even tho I can't 'officially' carry on the family name, we only have a couple of gents who can do so.
So, I wanna help keep the name alive.
Did I mention that the "customer service" at the SS & Name Change offices weren't too helpful either?
I just wanted to ask questions to make sure I was doing the right thing!
So, now I wait for the judge....
Oh, how I pray it'll all work out ok.
For now I feel like I don't have a real last name.
& don't get me started on trying to book travel (flights, car rental, hotels) through all of this!!!
You'd think that by now with the millions of women who get married every year, that the government would know how to handle this & make it easier!
Lord help us.
Any words from the wise who have done this run around before?
Thursday, September 06, 2007
Jail Time.
"Sometimes I think they let me outta jail too early!"
yeah, me too.
Thursday, August 30, 2007
A little morning show & a little print work...
Thursday, August 23, 2007
Monday, August 20, 2007
Friday, August 17, 2007
Just tell the truth.
The little guy said "I want a donut."
To which the dad (older & wiser) replied, "There is not a place to get a donut around here, let's go."
Kid: "Yes there is, right there!"
(the child pointing to the New Yorker's ever faithful coffee, bagel, & donut cart.)
Dad: "No, there's not."
Kid: "Yes there is Dad! I saw one right there!"
(again, pointing to the coffee, bagel, & donut cart.)
Dad: "No, there's not, now let's Go!"
(dad, obviously in a rush & trying to get the cart out of view of the child).
I heard them bicker like this a few more times & it just made me want to go over to the kid & say:
"You're not crazy, you could have gotten a donut back there, I saw it too. But your dad was in a rush & probably on a diet & didn't want you to have a donut. So instead of telling you the truth & saying, 'no we can't have one daddy's dieting & in a rush, lets get fruit or something instead'....he said: NO DUNUTS HERE JUNIOR!"
ah...this poor child.
If only dad would've told him the truth.
Then the kid probably wouldn't be questioning his sight.
Makes me wonder I really crazy, thinking I see things?
or do people just lie a lot?
Friday, July 13, 2007
But! What if I'm on Fire?!
I walked down the hall to the restroom.
On my way, I walked past the fire escape.
Then I stopped & looked:
-there was yellow caution tape laid lazily across the door & taped up with some office scotch tape.
then, there was a sign:
-on 8 x 11 white office paper
-written with a black sharpie
-with the printing of a 4th grader
it read:
"Fire Escape is under construction, please do not use."
Well that's just great!
What if I leave my hot pocket in the toaster too long & the kitchen is on fire & we have to RUN!
then what?
not very convenient folks.
(ps-- bonus points for whoever can tell me where I stole the hot pockets fire ref from)
Wednesday, June 27, 2007
I love it when...
I push the elevator button & it's all lit up & ready to roll, then...someone will come up behind me & push the button again hard, many times.
As if I didn't push the button hard enough.
Friday, June 22, 2007
Monday, May 21, 2007
The Blind Man
As we got near the curb on the other side I said:
"Watch your step!"
Thursday, April 26, 2007
Influenza Campaign
Here we go............
Influenza is just a fancy way to say 'the flu'.
This past winter the MTA started a 'campaign' to warn us to be careful of catching the flu.
They showed us darling pictures of family & friends, with a scare tactic tag line on the side that said "INFLUENZA KILLS!!!" (insert evil scary music here)
While running this campaign they told us to be careful, take necessary precautions, & not be around too many sick people...all while tainting our view of precious moments spent with family & was pretty funny.
See pictures below:
I like to call this, "don't spend time with your friends, they could make you sick"
"Influenza likes to keep it in the family"

"Influenza loves private moments"
or as it read on another train "Even moments like this can cause influenza"
And this (my favorite one of all...) I call "don't read with Gramps, he's sick & you might die."
A little crazy...
I needed the paper cut in 4's.
They wanted to charge me $1/cut to cut the paper.
yes, one Dollar PER cut!
(for 6 pieces of paper, 2 cuts per peice of paper...that's 12 cuts & a bargain of $12 to CUT PAPER!)
a little out of control...ya think?
So, I went to Staples & used their paper cutter to cut the paper myself.
Where the paper cutter with the big sharp blade was left out in the open for anyone (sane or not) to use.
Well, at least I cut the paper for free!
Tuesday, February 27, 2007
Fun Facts....
Weird Things You Would Never Know!!
* Butterflies taste with their feet.
* A duck's quack doesn't echo, and no one knows why.
* In 10 minutes, a hurricane releases more energy than all of theworld's nuclear weapons combined.
* On average, 100 people choke to death on ball-point pens every year.
* On average people fear spiders more than they do death.
* Ninety percent of New York City cabbies are recently arrivedimmigrants.
*Thirty-five percent of the people who use personal ads for dating arealready married.
*Elephants are the only animals that can't jump.
* Only one person in two billion will live to be 116 or older.
* It's possible to lead a cow upstairs... but not downstairs.
* Women blink nearly twice as much as men.
* It's physically impossible for you to lick your elbow.
*The Main Library at Indiana University sinks over an inch every yearbecause when it was built, engineers failed to take into account theweight of all the books that would occupy the building.
* A snail can sleep for three years.
* No word in the English language rhymes with "MONTH."
* Average life span of a major league baseball: 7 pitches.
* Our eyes are always the same size from birth, but our nose and earsnever stop growing. - SCARY!!!
* The electric chair was invented by a dentist.
* All polar bears are left-handed.
* In ancient Egypt, priests plucked EVERY hair from their bodies, including their eyebrows and eyelashes.
* An ostrich's eye is bigger than its brain.
* TYPEWRITER is the longest word that can be made using the letters onlyon one row of the keyboard.
* "Go," is the shortest complete sentence in the English language.
* If Barbie were life-size, her measurements would be 39-23-33. Shewould stand seven feet, two inches tall.
* A crocodile cannot stick its tongue out.
* The cigarette lighter was invented before the match.
* Americans on average eat 18 acres of pizza every day.
* Almost everyone who reads this will try to lick their elbow. (You tried to lick your elbow, didn't you?!)
Tuesday, February 13, 2007
You Can't Trust the Irish!
The woman kindly took Joel up on his offer & he bought her a nice healthy chicken breast. We chatted with her for awhile, as she told us how she got to be in her situation (an uncle took the family wealth...or something) & then we were on our way.
A few months had passed & I was on my way to work one morning (across town from where we go to church) & I saw the same woman.
I walked up to her & I said "Hi, I remember you! My boyfriend bought you food one day outside of our church ____."
She said "Yes! That is my church! Are you able to help me out?"
Again, being uncomfortable with giving money out, I said "Well, I have some of my lunch in my bag, you can have some of that!" and the woman took it with a smile.
After taking the food from me she said "Do you possibly know of any place that can help me get a job? I really need a job right now."
I said "I know lots of places & temp agencies, there's actually a really great temp agency right down the street & they can probably help you pretty quickly."
Immediately after I finished telling her where she could go to look for a job, she asked me "Are you possibly Irish?"
I thought to myself, what kind of question is that!?
But replied with a grin full of Irish pride..."Why, yes I am!"
As I said yes, the woman grabbed the food I had given her out of her bag & handed it back to me while saying "I'm sorry, but the Irish always seem to steer me in the wrong direction, I'm going to have to give this back to you."
I said "No, please I am trying to bless you!"
She said "No, thank you, I've just been steered wrong by the Irish."
I said "Ok, well, God Bless!" & walked away.
But as I was starting to walk away she asked me if I had any money.
I said "No, sorry." & walked off...chuckling to myself.
She couldn't take my advice or my food since I was Irish, but she could take my money...interesting!
Of course, I immediately told this story to Joel & we laughed about it...eventually forgetting what had happened.
Until this past Sunday.....
Again, we were leaving church & again the same woman was outside asking for money or food.
As I saw her I pointed her out to Joel telling him "LOOK! It's the lady who doesn't trust the Irish!"
So, as we walked past her & she asked for money Joel said to her "I'm sorry, we can't help you...we're both Irish."
Then I heard the woman say something like "OH, ok."
Now, I couldn't help but laugh at this.
I'm not laughing at the woman being in her position & needing to beg (I pray that I never have to go through that.) have prejudice against someone because they are Irish? When you are in need of help?
That is just silly.
So, if you do see our friend & would like to help her, please do...I would like to, but I'm Irish.
Friday, February 02, 2007
4 Months From Today...
Friday, January 12, 2007
Nice Picture Junior!
would be an appropriate way to express himself in his senior yearbook.
His school however, rejected the picture because of its "zero tollerance against weapons".
The kid's mom also agreed with Junior that this was his way of expressing what he was interested in at the time & had nothing to do with promoting violence. So, then mamma sued the school cus she was bummed that her little Knight wouldn't be seen in his Senior yearbook.
(all info taken from
I don't know about you, but I think this case should go to the school cus that poor kid is gonna go to his 10 year reunion & think "Dear Lord! What was I thinking!"
Monday, January 08, 2007
Queasy Stomachs Beware!
I was waiting for the 1 @ Columbus Circle on Saturday morning & I noticed a gentleman doing 'snot rockets' onto the subway tracks. Gross!
The t-shirt he wore:
had a picture of a bacteria looking creature with a circle around it & line through it to cross-out the creature. above this, his t-shirt read "Bacteria Busters", as if he was saying "I represent Bacteria Busters".
I don't know about you, but after seeing this display of behavior I don't think this man should be allowed to wear the shirt.
Note: for those of you that don't know what a 'snot rocket' is...I will just say it has to do with blowing your nose with as much force as possible, without the tissue. This display of behavior is usually seen when watching the World Cup.