Thursday, December 15, 2005

Just Call Me Maggot.

When I was in college in Chicago, I went to visit a church in hopes of finding a 'home church' while at school. During the meet & greet moment of the service I introduced myself to a cute little old lady that was sitting next to me. (& how cute & little she was ... about 4'10" & wrapped all nice & warm in her Chicago winter clothes). I shook her hand & said "Hello, my name is Megan." "WHAT?!" she said. I repeated myself "Megan!" "Maggot?" she said. "NO, MEGAN!", I said louder. "Maggot?" she said again, this time seeming more confused. After that second time I thought "oh, why bother...she can't hear me." And so I didn't say anthing as she said "MAGGOT?!!" a third time. And after saying "Maggot" that third time...with a perplexed & curious face she just politely nodded & said "Oh, well, that's an interesting name!"...and I remained silent. So now, there is an 80 year old woman running around (well, maybe not running...) in Chicago thinking that there is a girl in this world who's parents named her Maggot. I imagine that she went to her gin rummy game the following evening & told all of her other lady friends about the girl with the "interesting" name that she met at church the night before. For years this story has been my funny story to share with folks of the ways people mess up my name. & believe me, there aren't many stories of that....Megan is a pretty simple name....or so I thought, until recently. Two more times in the past couple of weeks I have had similar misunderstandings happen. 1) I answered the phone for my boss at work & it was his father on the other line. After a minute or so of talking to his father, he says to me "And what is your name?" "Megan" I say. "Maggot?" (flashbacks race through my mind of that time in college.....) "Megan" I say again. "Uh, Oh, ok...well, nice speaking with you." I am certain this man thinks that I have "an interesting name" just like the old woman in Chicago. 2) Then just a few days after that I was calling to make an order for lunch. The gentleman on the other line asked for my name (as they do) & of course I say "Megan." "Maggot?" he says (nightmares are starting to happen by now...) "Yes" I say...just to make it easier for all of us. Until now, I never thought my name was that hard----it's plain & simple.....phonetically spelled....MEHG-IN. (not MANY New Yorkers & other east-coasters seem to say it.) But now, there are at least 3 people in this world thinking that there is a girl with a name that means: (as Webster's online defines it...) a soft-bodied legless grub that is the larva of a dipterous insect (as the housefly). However, I would like to point out that if my name is now to be Maggot (since Megan is SO confusing & hard to pronounce...note sarcasm...) that Webster's online also has this definition listed second: Maggot--a fantastic or eccentric idea. So, people of the me Maggot all you want! my nightmares & flashbacks are comforted in the fact that Maggot is: a fantastic or eccentric idea. I don't wanna be like everyone else anyways...eccentric...OK! YES! Maggot it is!! that IS an 'interesting' name! :)

Monday, November 07, 2005

I should SUE!

People sue others over really weird things nowadays & win. (For example: the klutz who spilled hot McDonalds coffee on herself, sued McDonalds, & won about $2 million bucks! & how about the woman who had no self-control, ate lots of Pirate's Booty, gained weight, & sued Pirate's Booty for her weight gain. and how about the guy who sat on the toilet at Home Depot & got stuck to it?) So with these odd legal cases I have decided that I am going to sue the Marquis Theatre over my experience I had there last week. (I could use a few extra bucks!) I got some free tickets & went to see the show Woman in White with some friends &, as I always do, went to the restroom during intermission. Well, what an experience that was. The line was long, as always; it took longer than the allotted 15 minutes of time to get through the line & as a result I had to run back into the theatre to get to my seat on time (good thing I didn't fall or anything while running, otherwise we'd have another reason to sue); and (to top it all off!) the door on my stall didn't lock tight so a woman walked in on me. I guess I could sue the Marquis for embarassment, not being sensitive with my time, not providing enough stalls, & not having secure locks in the facilities. Are these all legit reasons to sue? Seriously though. I think that we all need to take more responsibility for ourselves & our actions. The woman who spilled the McD's coffee on herself was balancing the hot styrofoam cup between her knees while trying to put creamer in it as her grandson was driving. Why not just take another minute to not drive off & take care of the drink in the parking lot? Or why didn't she sue her grandson for the sudden stop that caused the coffee to spill? And to the Pirate Booty lady .... it is important to take responsibility over our bodies & eat a balanced diet. You can't have a diet on one item or brand, it's just not healthy. And toilet guy...don't EVER sit on a public toilet! That's just GROSS!!!! So I guess with these thoughts, perhaps I won't sue the Marquis Theatre for my embarassment & time crunch. I could've stood up immediately as intermission began & went to the restroom right away & also held the door (just in case) so nobody would walk in on me. Marquis Theatre...don't worry, this gal is not coming after you, you can save your $3 milllion. I did have an enjoyable evening laughing the night away at an entertaining show. Wait! Woman in White is supposed to be a drama! Andrew Lloyd Webber....I'm suing you for false advertisement!!! :)

Thursday, October 27, 2005

Quit your cryin'!

Ok, so the White Sox won the world series. They have not won since 1917. Chicago has rarely seen the month of October in the baseball world. Now, the White Sox have won. I guess I can say I am happy for the city of Chicago as a whole. However, I am not the happiest for the Sox. I am a Cubs fan, that's how I was raised. If I were to root for the Sox...well, my grandfather would be turning in his grave.
I will say this, though, to the Yankees fans of New York City...quit your crying.
Yes, Steinbrenner has done quite a job making the Yankees who they are. Yes, they are a winning team (they have been to the World Series 39 times & have won 26 titles). But seriously, can't they be happy for the underdogs? I guess once you get used to being a winner, you don't take loosing all that easy. Now the cities of Chicago & Boston...well, we are used to loosing in Baseball. These two cities will be glowing in their World Series wins for perhaps another 100 years until they win again. Although I am a Cubs fan, I am happy for the Boston Red Sox & (I suppose) the White Sox. Perhaps this DOES mean that my Cubbies can win next year (they haven't won since 1908!). So to all you Yankees fans out there....WATCH OUT! Perhaps this means that the curse of the billy goat is over.

Friday, October 14, 2005

Even if I wanted to...

Even if I wanted to, I couldn't do it. here's something I've been thinking about lately-- useless insignificant inapt pointless senseless additional information (i'll call it UIIPSAI & obviosly use more words than necessary to stress my point). The NYC Transit seems to really like using this UIIPSAI process. Many times I have seen signs that just tell me something that is completely irrelevant. For example: I have seen signs that say "no transfers at this station" or "the E train runs express this weekend from Roosevelt Ave. to Queens Plaza" or (my personal favorite) "no tokens at this time". Why bother wasting all of that signage & ad space to tell me I can't do something even if I wanted to do it? Transfers: If I wanted to transfer at the station with the sign, I couldn't why bother to tell me I can't. The E Train: the E always runs express on the weekends from Roosevelt to the why tell me it is still doing what it always does?? The tokens: I LOVE when I see this sign!! Tokens were pretty much retired from use within the subway system a few years ago. There is no place to even put a token if you had one & wanted to use it to pay your fare. This information telling me "no tokens at this time" is just silly & useless. This is like putting up a sign at Starbucks that says "we don't have inexpensive coffee right now". (nor will they ever, if I wanted to get cheap coffee there, I couldn't). Or a sign at a sushi place that says "we don't have burgers today". I think the philosophy that may go with this extra signage seems silly. The people that put the signs up in the Subway may think "we'll put up more information so we don't confuse people." Yes, there is something to be said for clear communication & that is SOOO important. However, on that road to strive for clear communication we can tend to over stress our point or give UIIPSAI that confuses the other party & may steer them in the wrong direction. Clear communication....yes VERY important. UIIPSAI....too too much & potentially causes further confusion. Consider yourselves warned-- Beware of UIIPSAI.

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

The 99¢ Menu

When on the subway recently I saw an ad that read: "Take your date somewhere that doesn't have a 99¢ menu." EB Games. My intitial thought when I read this was..."YES! of COURSE you don't take a date to a place that has a 99¢ menu! Isn't that a common known fact? You take them somewhere a bit nicer...even if (in suburbia) it is a TGI Friday's." However, when further reading this ad, I realized exactly what kind of company this was---EB Games is: an Electronics Boutique that offers a large selection of new, used & hard to find titles at great prices with fast processing & shipping. (info blurb taken from With this I came to my own conclusion that the ad was saying "take your date to a video game store instead of the place with the 99¢ menu." Then I thought...uh NO! you do NOT take your date to a video game store either!!! Gentleman, gentleman...I sure do hope that with the influence of the media ads like this that you do not think that it is OK to take your date to a place with a 99¢ menu or even a video game store. Even if you're creative! Pack a picnic, go somewhere to people watch & make stories up of the people you're seeing, go for a walk...there are many alternatives to spending money on a date. (shoot, I'm even a gal who will help pay for the bill...the man does not always have to get it). I will say is nice to be taken somewhere amazing & romantic & lovely...but it is not always necessary to spend lots of major bucks on a date. Along with this goes the simple gesture of chivalry .... it goes a LONG can try to woo & wow with the lobster dinner on the sea, but if you don't have even a bit of chivalry, you don't have much. (I am fortunate to have gentlemen in my life exemplify this & it is a nice gesture). All of this gentleman & put in a little thought to what you are offering your woman, otherwise you could be eating your 99¢ burger alone while playing Frogger.

Friday, September 09, 2005

For One LOW Price!!!

I was browsing through a FAO catalog that came through the mail at work & wanted to let you know about an AMAZING deal!!! For one low price of $25,000 your kid can have a slumber party with 15 of their closest friends at the FAO store! With this you get "Ice Cream, Piano Lessons/dancing (on the giant Dance-On piano), rides on a 3-D motion simulator, & hours of games & activities throughout the store!" And, while at lunch yesterday, I also read an article in U.S. News about the amazing deal parents are getting on bar/bat mitzvah's, Quinceanera's, & other 'coming of age' parties. Some parents are spending as much as the low price of $65,000!!! (please note sarcasm)OK, OK you have GOT TO BE KIDDING ME!!! this is freaking RIDICULOUS!!! When I was a kid we NEVER spent that much money on my bday parties & we STILL had "ice cream, piano lessons & dancing, a 3-D similator, hours of games & activities" aka... LOTS of FUN!!! We bought ice cream from the store, played the piano in the living room, if we wanted to dance...we'd just turn on the radio, our '3-D simulator' was watching movies too close to the TV (or when we were young enough for him to carry playing 'Superman' with Dad). & 'hours of games & activities' were accomplished with our imaginations & the occasional pin the tail on the donkey, truth or dare, chubby bunny, & prank calls.Why are parents spending SO much money on a stinking birthday party? Does part of it have to do with the guilt of not spending enough time with their kids cus they are working a MILLION hours a week to spend money on the aforementioned party & then they are making up for the lost time with the elaborate gifts & parties that they worked SO SO hard to pay for that will last all of 3- 6 hours? Do parents think that they can buy the affection & love of their kids? (uh...anyone heard of 'quality time'?)

For One LOW Price!!! (con't)

OK, yes I do realize that I am not yet a parent. & perhaps I will spoil my kids. But I'm pretty sure I'll spoil them with love, affection, adoration, praise, discipline, manners, respect, direction..."raise them up in the way they should go." My sister & I never had these elaborate parties, yet I know that my parents really loved me as I was growing up (& still do today!). I know this because they've told me with their actions & words. I never needed parties like that to know I was cared about growing up. sister & I were capable of using our imaginations to entertain ourselves. Give us a tape recorder & a few blank tapes & we were set for hours! I think that kids today are pretty darn spoiled & have so much stimulation with video games, TV, movies, iPods, gadget upon gadget upon gadget that they don't know how to entertain themselves & appreciate the small things. I am grateful for all I had (& didn't have) growing up. I am a stronger person & harder worker because of that. Parents please...if you can spend that kind of money...good for you! But remember it's the quality time that counts. You kids will remember the "I'm proud of you" & "I love you" comments along with the quality time MUCH more. I know I do...I can barely remember what I was given for my 18th birthday, but I DO know I was surrounded by love.

Friday, August 26, 2005

The Gossip.

My office gets People magazine delivered every week. This is fun because it gives me an opportunity to catch up on the latest celebrity gossip & it is a nice brainless activity to split up the day a bit. I think that my favorite thing about these types of magazines, however, is the 'sources'. I've noticed that in almost every article the information cited is from 'a source', 'a relative', 'a friend', 'an onlooker'. So this makes me accurate, really, is this information? Not very. Yet, as interested Americans we dive into these gossip magazines & live vicariously through the stars. Their fancy cars, gifts, party life, & turmoils...all to make us feel better about our own problems. With the help of these publications we can forget that we may be having problems at work, with family, or just life in general. Through these articles we can avoid getting into deeper conversations about ourselves & merely say "did you hear about Jen & Vince?... Brad & Angelina?...did you know that Bennifer2 did get married?" Yes, I am guilty of making comments like this too, but COME ON PEOPLE!!! (you, people...not People) lets try & be genuinely interested in one another & see what is going on in each other's lives. Community, interaction, support, love, meaningful conversation... these are all essential ingredients to help us get through life. It makes us stronger & it's a lot more healthy than talking gossip about someone we don't even know (well, any gossip for that matter is not good either-- whether we do or do not know the person). So, tell me about yourself! What were your parents like? Where did you grow up? What are your dreams, desires, passions, secrets? Tell me some of your hobbies, things you do for fun. And I will tell you mine. I don't want the 'onlooker, source, friend' to tell you that I was "seen eating soul food with friends at Sylvia's in Harlem last night".

Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Where are the humans?

I am looking for human beings. Has anyone seen them? When I make a phone call I usually get voicemail. When I check-out at the grocery store, buy a Metro Card, or buy a movie ticket...I can do it myself without a cashier. If I lived in the suburbs & had a car...the old school days of someone getting your gas & washing your windows for you are gone (that is, unless you live in Jersey). When I call customer service, I get the automated voice on the other end prompting me through a series of choices. I like people, I like human interaction. I don't always want to have to do things online. I like to speak to the voice on the other end telling me that "it will all be taken care of." Would it be possible to go back to having a human answer the phone rather than Ms. Automated Lady? Or the simple service of the nice cashier at the store. Along with this goes the fact that we need each other. We need the support, ears, hearts, hugs of the community around us. Hugging has even been used as a 'presciption' for some in recovery from surgery or for depression. (I read this online somewhere...don't have a footnote). I am SO SO grateful to have my network of friends & family .... they are my support group & I am happy for that. Maybe I could get one of them to work at the grocery store so I could chat to someone when I check out....! :)

Thursday, July 28, 2005

I am a nerd.

Not long ago, in a time not so far away... society told us that you were a 'nerd' if you had a computer & knew how to use it. Now, it's the other way are a 'nerd' if you don't own a computer &/or don't know how to use one. Technology is such a significant part of our lives these days that when I often tell people that I don't own a computer they give me the "WHA?!! HOW?! OH MY GOSH!" response. I suppose I am living in 1982-- I do not own a computer, I do not have cable, I do not have an iPod, I do not have long distance on my phone, I do not have central air, I do not have a dishwasher, I do not have a digital camera, I do not have a fax machine at home, I still pay my bills with a checkbook & stamps...I do have a cell phone & DVD player though! (but my cell only makes calls & does text messaging...I can't surf the web or take pictures from my phone ...& my DVD player...just plays DVD's, nothing fancy) I suppose I am venting all of this to say that is why I have not blogged in quite some time. I was in L.A. the first week of July, then I was at a temp job with no computer access (WHAT!), then I was off work another week with no computer access....& now here I am at my new temp job with computer access....bloggin'. I missed you all & hope to be back here more frequently...if not...I might have to pick up the phone or send you some 'snail mail'. WHAT! WHAT WOULD THAT BE LIKE!?!?? Phone calls & letters in the mail to update you on my life instead of email, text, & blogs!? that's crazy talk.

Wednesday, June 29, 2005

I just gave Tom Hanks 2 bucks!

I was on a 'retreat' last night & went to Target to run some errands (I LOVE that place! SO refreshing!) :) & they had a special edition 2 disk DVD of Forrest Gump on sale for $9.44 & for that price I just had to get it! Now, as I figure....if actors & directors get residuals for movies when they are bought....Tom Hanks & Robert Zemekis will each probably receive about 20% of my purchase ---about $2. With this $2 Tom Hanks will possibly buy a pack of gum, a can of pop, or give it to his kids for some candy. Mr. Zemekis will maybe go back to IL & buy his mom (who, coincidentally...goes to my Dad's church) a cup 'o joe. So, with my purchase last night .... as I see it... I have contributed to the cavities of Tom Hanks' children & the love that Mrs. Zemekis will shower on her son for that lovely cup of coffee. As the other non-Tom Hanks/Robert Zemekis film saying goes.... "pay it forward" people. My $9.44 has gone a long long way....won't you consider doing the same & purchase the $9.44 DVD of Zoolander to go towards Christine Taylor's chai tea from Ben Stiller?

Tuesday, June 28, 2005

It's not raining.

A few things that I have come to realize as truths while living in NYC: you will know who the homeless person is on your corner & start to worry about them when they are not there. You know you have a good deal when you pay $850 a month for a 'cozy' 1BR apartment. And people will use their umbrella when it is not raining. Yesterday, it rained. But it only lasted for about an hour... a little humid shower when, yes, we did need our umbrellas. However, after this little pour was over I was walking around & people were STILL using the umbrellas. It's as if people think that if it was raining when they got on the subway... that of COURSE it's still raining when they get off. They don't even check to see if the rain has stopped, they just automatically put up their umbrella. This becomes especially annoying when coming home at rush hour & you can't get around Mr. Suit & his big massive golf umbrella that will fit 4 of his buddies underneath there with him. (even if it was raining, this umbrella....still way to big for NYC streets). Seems that people see the wet ground so they think "clearly I need to use my umbrella!" Just because the ground is wet, you do not need your umbrella. The doorman may have cleaned the sidewalks with the do not need an umbrella. An air conditioner may be dripping from the apartment do not need an umbrella. Someone may have dropped & spilled their coffee outside of do not need an umbrella. Please people please....check to see if it's raining before you open up the umbrella, you don't need it when it's not.

Thursday, June 23, 2005

A little slice of Heaven.

I am a gal with big feet, size 12m. It is a hard hard task for me to even attempt to get shoes (if I want something super comfortable that will last long & not pay a million dollars). Yes, Payless is a pretty good spot for me, but they are more of a one-season-don't-wear-them-everyday shoe. (& I was really sad when Parade of Shoes went out of business, they carried 12's......arg.) Growing up it was hard for me to find shoes too. As an 11 year old wearing a size 11 shoe, all I wanted was a nice comfortable flat dress shoe & not too many people made '11 year old looking shoes' in a size 11. Many times I have even had to resort to buying men's boots or gym shoes. Usually when shoe shopping....I walk into a store, don't even look at my choices, but first go to the sales person & say "what is the highest size your shoes go?" This size usually... a small little 10. I don't say what I used to ask "do you carry shoes in a 12?" because with that question, I would usually get a lovely response of "UH! NO!!!..." from the rude salesperson & a look that said " from Mars or something?" But yesterday...I walked into (for me) what I believe to be a little slice of Heaven. [When in Heaven, we may not have to worry about shoes, but if we do...we will be able to get the size we need, no problem]. I found a store in east mid-town where big shoes are there specialty! They have probably 100 or so choices to choose from & they don't look at me weird when I say "Does that come in a 12?" They say "Sure! let me see what I have!" & if they don't have that specific shoe, they bring me 3 other similar styles...all in a lovely size 12. (They even seemed to have a small little section for the drag queens in honor of the gay pride parade this weekend... he he he). I just found out about this store a few months ago & is truly amazing. I feel like other women in there are in Heaven also! Everyone was talking to one another saying "Oh my Gosh! look at these shoes! they're so cute!" ....& things like that. So, whoever you are....shoeman that owns the big shoe store....thank you. & Ladies with big feet (or, um....drag queens) check this place out! You'll be in Heaven too.

Monday, June 20, 2005

Looking for my "Friend"

In the office where I temp, a lot of people don't have their own office because they are 'out in the field' on a regular basis. However, when they do come into the main hub here, they are able to reserve a spot & the 'hoteling' guys will put their name on the office doorway so we know who is where. Well, for the past week I have been waiting for Matthew Perry to arrive. His name has been on this office door for the past week, right across from where I sit. Where could he be? Perhaps he is hanging out with Rick Schroder reminiscing about the days when they were just starting out & Matthew was on Silver Spoons with Rick (then Ricky). Or perhaps he's hanging out with Jason Priestly, talking about their days on 90210. Or he may just be in L.A. gloating in the fact that he got paid a million bucks an episode for a show (in my opinion) that got worse as it came to an end. All I know is that he hasn't reported to work here. I have been looking for my 'friend' & he has not arrived. Matthew Perry where are you???!!!!! Wait, what was that? ... oh I just heard someone say it's not my 'friend''s another guy who's an accountant or something.... OOPS! Well, he's not been here for the past week either!

Friday, June 17, 2005

Old skills DO come back!

A few years ago when I was temping for some job was to act as a 'bouncer' of sorts. A whole bunch of 'suits' were having meetings in various rooms & my job was to keep them on time by knocking on the door when they had 5 minutes left & then knocking again when time was up & then bringing in the new people...and the cycle would continue. During the off time I would sit outside & kill time with the other temps doing the same thing. As time passed I would is this skill going to help me in my future? where will these new found life skills take me? is this really useful or what? Well, today I was able to answer all of those questions. (answers: I will use it again. to a time when I use it again. YES! this is really useful!) I had to do the exact same thing for some interviews at the temp job I'm at now. The only difference... I was not able to sit & chat with other temps around me by killing time & making jokes. I would go back to my cubicle world & let time pass (by er...writing a blog, along with my other very important temp responsibilities). But I am thankful for those times years back when I had to be the 'bouncer' ....otherwise! GEEZ! what would've I done today without all of that skill??? Hang on to what you've learned... you never know when you'll need it again! :)

Monday, June 13, 2005

Words from the wise...

If "with age comes wisdom" .... then I would like to share some 'words from the wise' with you. I went back to my hometown this past weekend & spent some quality time with my grandma (who is 84, almost 85) & friend of my dad's, Dave, who is 80. These comments made me laugh...I hope you do the same. ---- I was at a picnic at my dad's house where we were eating brats. I noticed that Dave was getting his food, but had not got a bun for his brat. I said to him "Dave, would you like me to get a bun for you?" & Dave said "No thank you sweetie, I can't have one because then it'll make my teeth fall out!" Then there was discussion about how good the lunch was with brats, sauerkraut, grilled onions, & baked beans & Dave said "You all better watch out! I may have to pull over a few times on the way home from this one!" When I was with Gram we went for a walk to a pond by her home & in it were a bunch of ducks...but only the mamma & her babies. In response to seeing this Gram said "Those male ducks, they just do their little trick & then leave 'em!" Then Gram was telling me about a friend of hers (who is also in her 80's) & the woman's new boyfriend. Apparently the woman said to Gram "Well Peg, there's not going to be any hanky-panky with him because the man has prostate problems & I don't wanna mess with that!"Older folks have lived a longer life & because of this they find it their 'right' to be able to say what is on their mind. Well I tell ya... I'm glad they do....I found a lot of joy in these statements! ... In addition to spending some quality time with some wonderful, wise, absolutely amazing people.

Friday, June 10, 2005

Can't we all just get along...

I am one of many people who HAS to ride the subway in the morning during rush hour...we all have to do it. Yet there is always one CRAZY lady (& I mean crazy-- malicious, impudent, Jezebel) who thinks she owns the subway & will do everything in her power to manipulate her teeny amount of space on the train car. She will push, she will yell, she will give you a dirty gaze in attempt to scare you, she will even stand wider than she is in order for you to not get into her space. And, yes, she will likely win. Why will she win?...because if she doesn't we have to endure more of her maliciousness & who wants that? We are packed in like sardines, there is nowhere to go & we all have a destination...lady, you are NOT the only one on the train, not by a long shot. The train has problems: it will make you late, it will stop & you will be left stranded, it will suddenly change route without notice, there are too many people & not enough trains....but lady, please just keep your cool & help make the commute a little bit more enjoyable for the rest of us. Since we have been subject to being stuck on the car with you. Thank you.

Thursday, June 09, 2005

My first Blog...

This is my first blog (YAY!) ... & I am going to share something with you that I wrote last week & my sister thought was funny.
maybe you will think the same...
Here goes!...

Things I hate to hear in the dressing room.
OK, so I rarely get on any soap boxes or anything.. but i've been at stores lately looking for a dress for my HS reunion & GEEZ people these days!
what is UP?!!
here's a little note on my observations.....

things i hate to hear in the dressing room or in the store.....
(& have heard over the past couple of days)
"all of their sizes are too big, the smallest they have is an 8!"
"the 4 is too big on you"
"God! what size is that jacket! a small! it's WAY too big on you, not flattering at all...makes you look huge"
"there's too much room in that 2, you totally need the 0"
(then after she apparently had the 0 on...)
"the 0 is a bit too big also, you have some room in that too"
"can you get me this in a 2? the 4 is just too big"

i have heard many other things over the years & past few days... but you get the picture. whatever happened to the days when the woman's body was celebrated?
when paintings of women featured a beautiful gal w/ voluptuous curves?
when marilyn monroe's size (a 12) was considered normal?
...but now is percieved as "big" or "plus sized".

i say .... in the words of SirMix-A-Lot..."Shake it! Shake it! Shake that healthy butt!"
sure... i could loose a few pounds... but i'm pretty much happy w/ what i look like!!!
i've got a big butt (or as my family calls it "fluffy duffy") ...& uh...bigger 'chest' size & some guys seem to like it....ahem.... black men mostly (thank you gentleman for appreciating a woman's curves!) first boyfriend was even black... his name was Alphabet, we were 4.
[he he he]
so embrace what the Lord gave ya & lets not live up to what 'society' tells us is 'beautiful' or normal.
be proud of who you are! & use it baby!!!!
and now i am climbing off my soap box.